Thursday 17 December 2015


In the world the 75% is water. there are a lot of strange creatures.
The most creatures live's in the sea, the criatures have a hiding place.

Corals have hard body to protect them. They can be beautiful with strange bodys.

Whales and dolphins 

Whales and dolphins are mamals so they have to go out of the water to breathe.
They have a corporal transtation with their babys.
They like to jump out of the water and eat fish.The blue whale is the most big animal in the world,Is of 35m and 50cm.They eat 400 krill a day.


Turtles are amazing, they like to eat segrass.Their depredators are sharks
and whales.They have have 8 or 10 eggs.They live in the Atlantic


Rays don't have skills an ears or foot,they have a long tail to protect them selfs.
They have electrical impolsus.The manta ray is the most biggest of the rays
it is of 7m.


There are a lot of shark species (400),there aren't aggressive the most biggest is the whale shark and its of 20m,they like to eat placton.They play a vital role
and they keep the ocean clean and healthy, they are in danger It can happend a risk of becoming  extinc.In the sea there's a lot of litter and rubbish,
we always remember to put the rubbish in the bin 



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